Ulster County wants to know about your broadband access

Ulster Couty seeks feedback on broadband access

Ulster County is asking residents and business owners to verify that the New York State Broadband Connectivity Map is accurate.

New York has received more than $664 million in federal funding to expand high-speed broadband service to homes and businesses in unserved and underserved areas, and those areas must appear on the Broadband Connectivity Map to qualify for grants through the NYS ConnectALL program.

If your home or business is currently unserved or underserved, verify that this is shown on the map by April 11 to ensure eligibility for funding. You can view the map and weigh in with your feedback at tinyurl.com/NY-bband-map.

The Ulster County Citizens Commission for Digital Inclusion can provide residents support in filing a map challenge. To contact the commission, send an email to digitalcommissionchair@co.ulster.ny.us or call (845) 340-8771.

To learn more about the NYS ConnectALL program and funding, go to tinyurl.com/NYS-connect-all.