Town government report: Board approves 9 resolutions

Town government report: Board approves 9 resolutions

The Town Board approved nine resolutions when it met on Tuesday, July 18, in the Town Hall.

Supervisor Melinda McKnight, Deputy Supervisor Pete Humphries, and Councilmembers Michael Boms and Gregory Simpson were present. Councilwoman Jana Martin was excused.

All the resolutions, listed below, were approved by unanimous 4-0 votes. The full texts of each resolution can be viewed online at

1. Appointed Greg Terault to the Conservation Advisory Committee.

2. Ratified a Memorandum of Agreement for the Collective Bargaining Agreement with unionized employees of the Town Highway Department.

3. Hired Erin Stewart as Building Department Clerk.

4. Accepted the Town Court's quarterly audit.

5. Authorized Town Court Clerk to attend the annual conference, in September, of the New York State Association of Magistrates Court Clerks.

6. Authorized Town Justice John E. Parker to attend the New York State Magistrates Conference in October.

7. Authorized the Town Supervisor to sign easements related to drainage improvement projects in the vicinities of Kemble Terrace and Wildwood Drive.

8. Hired three summer interns.

9. Authorized a title search for the Old Hurley Burial Ground.

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