Text of Invocation given at Memorial Day ceremony after Hurley parade

Delivered by Rev. Gregory Simpson, member of Town Board
Text of Invocation given at Memorial Day ceremony after Hurley parade

The prayer below, written by the Rev. Jill Duffield, was delivered by the Rev. Gregory Simpson during the ceremony following the Hurley Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 29, 2023.

Rev. Simpson (pictured), a member of the Hurley Town Board, said it modified it slightly for the occasion.
Holy One, until there is war no more and you wipe every tear from every eye, we will remember. We will remember those who have served and died for the sake of something greater than themselves. We will remember and give thanks for the men and women who knowingly put themselves in harm’s way so that others might be safer. We will remember the families who grieve this day and every day for brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, friends and spouses, who lost their lives while wearing the uniform of our country.

Holy One, until you beat swords into plowshares and the ox and lamb lie down together, we will remember. We will remember that peace doesn’t happen without peacemakers, and violence won’t cease unless we stand in the breach and begin to repair it. We will remember that war is costly, the price paid in priceless lives cut short.

Holy One, until the Prince of Peace returns and death and crying are no more, we will remember. We will remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of their country. We will support those left bereft in their absence. We will remember to seek reconciliation, knowing that, while we cannot control the ways of the world, we can seek to work for peace in our own lives and communities.

Holy One, until there is no need for men and women to place themselves in harm’s way, we will remember and give thanks for those who did and died.

In the name of the One who grants us the peace that passes understanding, we pray.


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